
Black Magic Fat Burner


Do you believe in magic? Black Magic is a magical natural formula that helps your body lose weight. Caralluma Fibriata cactus extract is traditionally used to combat fat reserves, green tea extract is traditionally a remedy for hunger and for increased energy. Bitter orange peel has long been used in Eastern countries as a natural weight loss agent.

* * This plant information is provided by EFSA

  • Very complete and natural formula - vegan!
  • Also thermogenic
  • Provides long-lasting energy


Recommended use/Empfohlener gebrauch/ Dose giornaliera consigliata/uso recomendado Aanbevolen gebruik/Utilisation recommandée:

UK- Swallow 1-2 capsules a day with
sufficient fluid. Before or during a meal.

DE- 2X taglich 1 mit ausreichend
Flussigkeit einnehmen. Vor der Mahlzeit

IT- 1-2 capsule al giorno.
Da assumere prima o durante i pasti.

NL- 1-2 capsules per dag bij voorkeur
tijdens of na de maaltijd.

ES- Ingerir 1-2 cápsulas al diá con
suficiente líquido.Antes o durante la

FR- 1-2 capsules par jour,avaler avec
une quantité suffisante de liquide.


UK- *RDA = Recommended Dietary Allowance

DE- *RDA = Empfohlene Nahrungsaufnahme

IT- *RDA = Dose giornaliera raccomandata

ES- *RDA = Contidad diaria recomendada

NL- *RDA = Aanbevolen dagelijkse hoeveelheid

FR- *RDA = Apport nutritionnel recommandé

Capsula/CapsuleCantidad% , RDA*

Caralluma fibriata exstract ,70 mg, x
Green tea exstract , 250 mg, x
Caffeine from green tea ,50 mg, x
Bitter orange peel extract ,100 mg, x
L--Theanine ,50mg, x
Pepperine ,6 mg, x