
Sample package S - Pasta


CleanFoods Raw Konjac Noodles:
CleanFoods Raw Konjac Noodles with glucomannan not only supports weight loss on an energy-restricting diet, but also helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels! The dishes with raw konjac noodles are very easy to prepare.

What is the story behind RohKonjak noodles and what makes them so unique?
RohKonjak noodles are made from a vegetable fiber component from the konjac plant glucomannan. The special feature of these special fibers is that they have an exceptionally low kcal value compared to conventional pasta, noodles or rice. Read more about the unique properties of glucomannan here.

Use Raw Konjac Noodles:
Rinse raw spaghetti, raw noodles, raw rice, raw lasagne or raw fettuccine with cold water in a sieve. Fry briefly in a pan or heat in the microwave (1 to 2 minutes). Add your favorite herbs, sauce, vegetables and possibly meat or fish. You can vary endlessly. Enjoy a delicious meal without many calories. All RohKonjak pasta variants are already pre-cooked and therefore ready to eat.

Unique features:

✅ Free of carbohydrates, fat, sugar and gluten
✅ Only 6 Kcal per 100 grams
✅ Ready to eat in 2 minutes
✅ Glucomannan contributes to maintaining normal cholesterol levels
✅ Glucomannan supports weight loss while adhering to a
✅ energy-limiting Nutrition
✅ Glucomannes ondersteunt de maintenance of a normal cholesterol content
✅ Suitable for people with gluten intolerance
✅ For Suitable for vegetarians/vegans
✅ Good source of fiber

€22,95 €24,95you save €2,00

Kalorien, 21 kj / 5 Kcal
Eiweiß, <0.1g
Kohlenhydrate, 1.2g
- Davon Zucker, <0.1g
Fett, <0.1g
Ballaststoffe, 3.2g
Salz, 7mg


Wasser, Konjak Mannan extrakt (Wurzel, mehl) CleanBite® (Kürbismehl), Zitronensäure (Stabilisator)

Konjak pasta:
CleanFoods Konjac Pasta ist bereits gekocht und daher sofort einsatzbereit. Du musst RawSpaghetti, RawNoodles, RawReis, RawLasagne und RawFettucinne nur mit kaltem Wasser in einem Sieb abspülen.

RawPastas kann kurz in einer Pfanne (mit Öl) angebraten oder in der Mikrowelle erhitzt werden. Dann fügst du deine Lieblingskräuter, Sauce, Gemüse oder Fleisch/Fisch/Fleischersatz hinzu. Mit unseren RawPastas kannst du endlos variieren.

Warnung: Glucomannan-Pulver (Konjak) sollte immer mit ausreichend Wasser eingenommen werden, um sicherzustellen, dass es den Magen erreicht. Nicht für Menschen mit Schluckbeschwerden geeignet.